Open Hours of mapNgo Mon - Fri: 8.00 am - 6.00 pm

About Us

Giving Love

Your support will unwrap brighter futures for children, families, and entire communities.


Your donation can help us offer more services to more people and is a tax deduction.


You can contribute your time, skills and knowledge through volunteering with the UN.

Saving Planet

Your chance to protect our nature on the the planet Earth as well as below the water.

What is MAP

Mental Health Action by People (MAP)

is an NGO that aims to promote wellbeing and quality of life of fellowmen by proactive interventions in community Mental Health. The MAP is registered as a charitable organization (TVM/TC/289/2014). It was inaugurated by the famous social activist and poet Smt. Sugatha Kumari in the presence of dignitaries, Sree O Rajagopal (then union minister) , Sree A Sambath (member of parliament) and Sree K Muralidharan (member of legislative assembly) DOWNLOAD SERVICES PDF

We Did a Lot For This Time


Donors Donated this Year


Countries We Work


Projects Funded till Today

My Buddy TextLine

This crisis TextLine project has been commenced to address two major issues: Stress, anxiety and depression due to Covid-19 scenario To address the suicidal behavior of children, adolescents and adults due to crises in life VIEW CASE STUDY →

Environment Campaign

Fundraising for Marine Biodiversity & Aquatic Ecosystems This report has been prepared by IUCN, partner of the consortium implementing the project, European Capitals of Biodiversity, which is supported by the European Commission’s Life+ programme. In producing this document, IUCN has relied upon information provided by third parties. Neither the European Commission, DUH, IUCN, or their … VIEW CASE STUDY →

University Grands

University Grands Raise money for a good education cause Heritage University empowers a multicultural and inclusive student body to overcome the social, cultural, economic, and geographic barriers that limit access to higher education. Rooted in the homeland of the Yakama Nation, Heritage embraces transformational student-centered education that cultivates leadership and a commitment to the promotion … VIEW CASE STUDY →

Healthcare Fundraising

Fundraising Built on Hope Healthcare Fundraisers know that building relationships with donors toward meaningful engagements is at the core of success in the field. As we work closely with a donor over time, the fundraising professional and the donor craft as perfect a match as possible between the donors’ goals and organizations’ goals. The final … VIEW CASE STUDY →

Our Team

Meet Our Volunteers

Danny Valdez

PR Manager

Andry Khorun

Donation quality

Dimassi Shatt


Jen Funero


About Map Academy

MAP has an education and training body, “MAP Academy”.

It’s Time to Make

This World Better

We believe in a world without age-related diseases where everyone can live a healthier and longer life. So, join to our volunteer team! START NOW